Benefits IPL Treatment in Burbank, CA
Photo Facial uses IPL treatment to combat the effects of aging and damaged skin. The IPL technology removes age spots (sun-induced freckles), brown pigments, redness caused by broken capillaries or rosacea, enlarged pores, dull complexions and other facial imperfections through a process called photo rejuvenation. IPL treatment in Burbank, CA, improves both the superficial and deeper skin layers on the face and body.
The Photo Facial technique is used on the face, neck, chest, and hands with a series of 5-8 treatments. During the procedure a cold gel is usually applied to the area to be treated and a cryogen collar cools the treating crystal making the procedure painless. Your eyes will be protected from the bright light with glasses. Each treatment takes about 15-30 minutes. Patients describe the sensation to be like the snap of a rubber band on the skin as the pulses of energy are delivered through the hand piece. You can return to work the same day and resume your regular activities.
Post-care discomfort after the IPL treatment is minimal. There might be slight redness of the skin, hyper pigmentation or enlarged pores, which should soon fade away. In addition, any harsh skin cleansers should be avoided and a sunscreen should be used for protection. IPL Photo Facial treatments help restore a more youthful appearance with no downtime.