
Liposuction IN Burbank, CA

Over 30 years ago, Dr. Pierre Fornier, of Paris, France, popularized what we still call Liposuction to help correct irregular deposits of fat in our bodies. An American Dermatologist, Dr. Klein, turned what was a general anesthesia technique for most surgeons into a local anesthesia procedure. Although Dr. Klein believes in only using pure local anesthesia, most Liposuction surgeons today use it along with IV Sedation for larger areas of fat removal. It is important for the patient to be comfortable during one of these procedures in order to be able to give a very smooth and complete result. Dr. Kay trained with both of these surgeons as well as with others around the world and is one of the most experienced Liposuction surgeons in the world. He uses local anesthesia for small to moderate cases and and IV sedation when needed. Dr. Kay believes that his patients’ safety and comfort are the most important issues in any cosmetic surgery.

External, non-surgical methods recently popularized for fat destruction, such as freezing the fat, using radiofrequency, laser or ultrasound, can at best lead to minimal reduction of fat in the average overweight person. Body sculpting treatments using these methods provide moderate improvement only in thin people with small areas of fat to be removed. This procedure is not a substitute for fat removal in the average patient.

Injections for fat destruction, such as Body sculpting in Burbank, CA, is not a new procedure and has been practised for over 20 years in the US. The results are minimal after each injection series and should be reserved for select situations. Swelling and lumpiness are joint for many days after each injection.

In summary, Tumescent(local anesthesia) Liposuction in Burbank, CA is safe, effective and has been perfected for over 30 years. Areas that have been treated range from neck, arms, chest(men and women), back, belly, waist, thighs, buttocks, and ankles.
Liposuction | Kay Dermatology in Burbank, CA
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